So, where to begin? We are the Johannes Gutke family. Many of us live in Utah, a big bunch hailing from Smithfield and another branch with their roots in Salt Lake. Another bunch located in McCammon, Idaho and we probably still have cousins there, too. I know there must be relatives in Sweden, since Johannes Gutke had at least one grown child (Carl Johan) who did not come to the U.S. with the rest of the family in 1879.
Growing up, I understood that the Gutke name is of Germanic origin - "gut" means good and "ke" means little. I always thought that was cool - my name means "Good Little Deniane!" But I have also seen the translation more like "goodies"... as in a cracker or a treat, or a .... cookie. I know there is at least one Gutke mother out there who at one time of her life has been known as "Mrs. Cookie" or "Grandma Cookie"... so it fits.
Which leads me to explain that there are different pronunciations of the name, mainly in how people pronounce the sound of the letter "u".
Some say "GUT" key ... as in "gut feeling" or "I love your guts."
Others it's more "Goo"ey... As in shoe. Goo. "Goot key." I grew up with this one.
My great aunt Norma pronounced it "good." "Good key." She was 91 when she passed away, hence her qualification for the most likely original pronunciation. :)
And about the "ke." I learned a small amount of German in high school to know that rather than "key," it's pronounced more like "kuh." So, I guess it makes sense that when Johannes' son Anders (Andrew) F. Gutke came on the ship Wisconsin to Utah in the late 1800's (Fred is the son I come through, by the way), the ship manifest listed his surname as "Gupka." Goop. Kuh. The person taking their names spelled them phonetically as they said them, so that's the way he must have said it.
Lately, I'm trying to go somewhere in the middle with the "goo" and "good"... but the "gut" pronunciation is definitely "out " for me. And so is the pronunciation "gewkie" (without the T). Which reminds me of a funny family story.
One day in the mid-1980's, my mom got a phone call; when she answered the phone, an unidentified cheerful lady said, "Hi, this is so and so..." and then went into a long discussion of whatever she wanted to talk about.
The only problem was, the unidentified cheerful lady had the wrong number. She wasn't talking to whomever she thought she was talking to, and Mom, who didn't want her to go on and on forever without realizing this, cut in politely when she had the chance. "Do you know you have the Gutke's?" she said.
There was a horrified silence on the other end. "I have the WHAT?" she finally managed. She must have thought "gewkies" was a condition of some kind; maybe even a disease. (And then I think she hung up.)
Well, being a Gutke probably means we do have some kind of a condition, at least traits that we all share and love of common ancestors. I tend to think our positive traits are tenacity, hard work, and a sense of humor. Aunt Norma says stubbornness (rather than tenacity) is definitely a Gutke trait, and impatience, (if we are judging by her Dad, Carl.)
I hope you enjoy the website with the information I am gathering to connect us all together.
Deniane Gutke Kartchner
This blog is dedicated to my parents, brothers, sister, and cousins who are descendants of Johannes (John) Gutke and Johanna Mork Gutke (pictured above). I am in the process of posting everything I have, so that I can back up documents/photos and also access the info from any location. There are likely to be mistakes, so check back often and feel free to comment if you have corrections!
Deniane Gutke Kartchner
Johan Magnus Gutke short history
The following life story was contributed by Helen Pirtle, a descendant of Johannes Gutke through his granddaughter Amanda Eliza.
John Magnus Gutke
(by Amanda Eliza Gutke, his daughter)
My father, John Magnus Gutke, was born November 1, 1851 in Minkedohl Foss, Bohus, Sweden. He was the second child of the second wife and he was four years old when his mother died. When he was six years old he left Munkedohl with his father, his step mother, three half sisters, and two half brothers, for Rodonefors, an iron manufacturing place.
He was blessed and christened in the Lutheran Church. He was a young man, 28 years of age when he heard an elder preach the gospel. He went to their meetings and was converted. Elder Christen H. Monson of Richmond, Utah was one of the elders who converted him. He was baptized by Elder Monson. Charles Anderson, a Utahan confirmed him.
With the above named family, they sailed on the ship "Wisconsin", leaving Liverpool July 10, 1880. Arrival in New York was July 21, 1880. They continued their journey by rail under the leadership of Captain Niels P. Rasmussen, arriving in Salt Lake July 29, 1880.
While still in Sweden an elder told John he knew of a nice girl in Norway and he gave John her address. They corresponded until he went to Utah, then he sent for her to come to Utah. They had never seen each other, but she came. Father met her and they were married August 18, 1881 in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City by Daniel H. Wells.
John had learned the trade of blacksmith from his father so they went to Logan. Their first three children, Amanda, Edwin, and Joseph were born there. Then he got a new job in the railroad shops in Idaho Falls, then called Eagle Rock. Here they lived 2 or 3 years.
One day the wind blew so hard and the dust was so thick, one could hardly see any distance away. When the wind was over they could see the Round House had blown down. Everyone was out in the streets screaming for their loved ones. This discouraged some of the men.
The climate was very cold. The wind blew so hard. They had to buy water from a man who had it in barrels who got it from the Snake River. It would soon get stale and the dust blew on everything including it.
During this time John learned the English language as he was working with men who spoke it, but Anna Elise didn't get a chance to learn it so fast being in the home and not in public. So discouraged, they moved back to Smithfield. Now their children numbered four as William was born in Idaho Falls.
In Smithfield they build a one-room home. A blacksmith shop was built on the north east side of the lot. Life was hard. John worked some time in Pocatello in the Round House there. He finally decided to do blacksmithing on his own. He was a good machinist and mechanic. Anything he did was well done.
Eight of their children were born in Smithfield: Linda, the twins, Sylvester and Sylvenus, Anna, Herbert, Olga, Elva, and Hilda. With this increased family, two more rooms down stairs and two upstairs were added on. They got a cow, pig, and some chickens. They had an acre of ground on which he raised some hay and spuds.
The big flour bin which he built was never empty although the family was so poor in other things like sharing each other's shoes. No washer, no linoleum or other things to make life comfortable. All buckets and utensils he soldered.
During Cleveland's day the depression hit. John worked and had to take in commodities for pay. All the money he received in one year was $90.00. He was handy and ambition, but many people didn't pay or wanted to pay their bills.
With his growing family he decided he needed a farm for his boys as he had six of them. Their next move then was to Shelley, Idaho. He had never done any farming but he proved to be a successful one. It took a lot of hard work. While building his home they stayed with their daughter and son-in-law, Amanda and Lewis. Then John built his blacksmith shop so he had his trade with him. All his debts on the place were paid before they were due.
He was an honest man. Never received charity from anyone but was willing to help those in need. They were interested in genealogy so gave money for research. They also did temple work having to go to Utah to do so. John was well versed in the Bible, having studied it in school in Sweden. Family prayers and blessings on the food were always had.
In their older years they sold their home to their son, Will, and in turn bought his which they remodeled. Now they could be in town where they could walk to everything as they never owned a car. They spend several winters in California.
John met his death in a car pedestrian accident. It was dark and windy when he crossed main street in Shelley to go home. He held his head down to keep his hat on so he walked in front of a coming car. The accident proved fatal as he died in the Idaho Falls hospital that night, October 27, 1934, age 83. His funeral was held in the Second Ward church and he was buried in the Shelley cemetery.
John Magnus Gutke
(by Amanda Eliza Gutke, his daughter)
My father, John Magnus Gutke, was born November 1, 1851 in Minkedohl Foss, Bohus, Sweden. He was the second child of the second wife and he was four years old when his mother died. When he was six years old he left Munkedohl with his father, his step mother, three half sisters, and two half brothers, for Rodonefors, an iron manufacturing place.
He was blessed and christened in the Lutheran Church. He was a young man, 28 years of age when he heard an elder preach the gospel. He went to their meetings and was converted. Elder Christen H. Monson of Richmond, Utah was one of the elders who converted him. He was baptized by Elder Monson. Charles Anderson, a Utahan confirmed him.
With the above named family, they sailed on the ship "Wisconsin", leaving Liverpool July 10, 1880. Arrival in New York was July 21, 1880. They continued their journey by rail under the leadership of Captain Niels P. Rasmussen, arriving in Salt Lake July 29, 1880.
While still in Sweden an elder told John he knew of a nice girl in Norway and he gave John her address. They corresponded until he went to Utah, then he sent for her to come to Utah. They had never seen each other, but she came. Father met her and they were married August 18, 1881 in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City by Daniel H. Wells.
John had learned the trade of blacksmith from his father so they went to Logan. Their first three children, Amanda, Edwin, and Joseph were born there. Then he got a new job in the railroad shops in Idaho Falls, then called Eagle Rock. Here they lived 2 or 3 years.
One day the wind blew so hard and the dust was so thick, one could hardly see any distance away. When the wind was over they could see the Round House had blown down. Everyone was out in the streets screaming for their loved ones. This discouraged some of the men.
The climate was very cold. The wind blew so hard. They had to buy water from a man who had it in barrels who got it from the Snake River. It would soon get stale and the dust blew on everything including it.
During this time John learned the English language as he was working with men who spoke it, but Anna Elise didn't get a chance to learn it so fast being in the home and not in public. So discouraged, they moved back to Smithfield. Now their children numbered four as William was born in Idaho Falls.
In Smithfield they build a one-room home. A blacksmith shop was built on the north east side of the lot. Life was hard. John worked some time in Pocatello in the Round House there. He finally decided to do blacksmithing on his own. He was a good machinist and mechanic. Anything he did was well done.
Eight of their children were born in Smithfield: Linda, the twins, Sylvester and Sylvenus, Anna, Herbert, Olga, Elva, and Hilda. With this increased family, two more rooms down stairs and two upstairs were added on. They got a cow, pig, and some chickens. They had an acre of ground on which he raised some hay and spuds.
The big flour bin which he built was never empty although the family was so poor in other things like sharing each other's shoes. No washer, no linoleum or other things to make life comfortable. All buckets and utensils he soldered.
During Cleveland's day the depression hit. John worked and had to take in commodities for pay. All the money he received in one year was $90.00. He was handy and ambition, but many people didn't pay or wanted to pay their bills.
With his growing family he decided he needed a farm for his boys as he had six of them. Their next move then was to Shelley, Idaho. He had never done any farming but he proved to be a successful one. It took a lot of hard work. While building his home they stayed with their daughter and son-in-law, Amanda and Lewis. Then John built his blacksmith shop so he had his trade with him. All his debts on the place were paid before they were due.
He was an honest man. Never received charity from anyone but was willing to help those in need. They were interested in genealogy so gave money for research. They also did temple work having to go to Utah to do so. John was well versed in the Bible, having studied it in school in Sweden. Family prayers and blessings on the food were always had.
In their older years they sold their home to their son, Will, and in turn bought his which they remodeled. Now they could be in town where they could walk to everything as they never owned a car. They spend several winters in California.
John met his death in a car pedestrian accident. It was dark and windy when he crossed main street in Shelley to go home. He held his head down to keep his hat on so he walked in front of a coming car. The accident proved fatal as he died in the Idaho Falls hospital that night, October 27, 1934, age 83. His funeral was held in the Second Ward church and he was buried in the Shelley cemetery.
Johan Magnus Gutke photos
Johan Magnus and Anna Elise Hansen Gutke family. (Johan Magnus is one of Johannes Gutke's sons.)
Back row (standing), left to right: Joseph Andrew Gutke, Sylvester Carlos Gutke, Linda Marie Gutke, Adolf Sylvanus Gutke, John Edwin Gutke
Middle row (seated), left to right: Amanda Eliza Gutke, Johan Magnus Gutke holding Elva Pauline Gutke, Anna Elise Hansen Gutke holding Hilda Dusina Gutke, William Martinus Gutke
Front row (seated), left to right: Herbert Ludvick Gutke, Anna Louise Gutke, Olga Sophia Gutke
Anna Elise Hansen and Johan Magnus Gutke.
Happy Birthday, Aunt Norma!!!
My favorite pic of Aunt Norma.
Something about her hair, her dress, her smile,
and the composition of the photo itself. I love it!
Levi Oleson, father of Emil A. Oleson
Today I found information about Levi Oleson, the father of Emil A. Oleson. (Emil Oleson is the father of Beatrice Olesen, who is Clyde Gutke's first wife.)
The information is from
Birth: 1860, Sweden
Death: Dec. 27, 1948
Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California, USA
The Salt Lake Tribune
Friday, December 31, 1948
page 16
Word received in Salt Lake City Thursday told of the death of Levi O. Oleson, 88, former Salt Lake resident, who died Monday at his residence in Long Beach, Calif., of causes incident to age.
He was born in Melmo, Sweden, in 1860, and came to the United States in 1877, residing in Pleasant Grove, Utah County, and later moving to Midvale. Mr. Oleson had resided in Utah 44 years prior to moving to Long Beach, where he had resided 24 years.
A member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he was a member of Sandy lodge No. 11, Odd Fellows, and Acacia lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. His wife, Mathilda Polson Oleson, died in September, 1924.
Survivors include a son, Emil A. Oleson, Salt Lake City; a daughter, Miss Ellen L. Oleson, Long Beach; two grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Family links:
Mathilda Polson Oleson (1863 - 1924)*
The information is from
Birth: 1860, Sweden
Death: Dec. 27, 1948
Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California, USA
The Salt Lake Tribune
Friday, December 31, 1948
page 16
Word received in Salt Lake City Thursday told of the death of Levi O. Oleson, 88, former Salt Lake resident, who died Monday at his residence in Long Beach, Calif., of causes incident to age.
He was born in Melmo, Sweden, in 1860, and came to the United States in 1877, residing in Pleasant Grove, Utah County, and later moving to Midvale. Mr. Oleson had resided in Utah 44 years prior to moving to Long Beach, where he had resided 24 years.
A member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he was a member of Sandy lodge No. 11, Odd Fellows, and Acacia lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. His wife, Mathilda Polson Oleson, died in September, 1924.
Survivors include a son, Emil A. Oleson, Salt Lake City; a daughter, Miss Ellen L. Oleson, Long Beach; two grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Family links:
Mathilda Polson Oleson (1863 - 1924)*
Laurel Nichol Gutke obituary
Obituary: Laurel Nichol Gutke
Laurel Nichol Gutke "Grandma Cookie" Laurel Nichol Gutke died unto the Lord on a beautiful summer evening on Sept 7th, 2006. She had been waiting for the day that Harold would come and say, as he often did in life, "Come on Laurel, let's go home". He finally came. Laurel was born January 12, 1912 to James R. Nichol and Alice Wright Nichol in Holladay, Utah. She married Harold R. Gutke on April 28th, 1933. Uncle Hank died Feb. 15th, 1995 leaving Laurel alone after 62 years of marriage. With her children, many grand-children, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren she was kept busy and active until the last couple of months. The greatest trial of Laurel's life was losing two children in pregnancies that resulted in her being unable to bear children. She turned this trial into her greatest strength as she took on the task of raising three of her nephews and a niece and her own child through the miracle of adoption. Laurel was able to bless the lives of her brothers by providing life long child care during difficult times in their lives. The lives of Jack, Irene, Robert, Ross and Hal were enriched with the love and care she provided them till the end of her life. She was employed for 30 years at First Security Bank. She was an active LDS member and worked at the Jordan River Temple. She is preceded in death by her husband Harold, her parents James and Alice, and brothers and sisters, Vaughn, LeGrande, Wayne, Mark, Gladys, Ruth, Rulon, LaRue, and Royce. She is survived by her brother Vern (Verna) Nichol, and sister LaVae (Joseph) Cook. Also survived by her children: Jack (JoAnn) Nichol, Irene (Ivin) Munson, Robert (Sandra) Nichol, Ross (LoiAnn) Nichol, and Hal (Becky) Gutke. The family will visit with the extended family and friends Sunday, Sept 10th at Jenkins Soffe Mortuary, 4760 So. State Street from 5 to 7 p.m. Funeral Services will be held Monday at the Cottonwood 6th Ward Chapel, 4930 So. Westmoor Rd, (1665 East), at 1:00 p.m. A viewing will be held from 12 to 12:45 prior to the services. In lieu of flowers the family suggests that you make a donation to a charity of your choice. Condolences may be shared with the family at
Obituary: Laurel Nichol Gutke
Laurel Nichol Gutke "Grandma Cookie" Laurel Nichol Gutke died unto the Lord on a beautiful summer evening on Sept 7th, 2006. She had been waiting for the day that Harold would come and say, as he often did in life, "Come on Laurel, let's go home". He finally came. Laurel was born January 12, 1912 to James R. Nichol and Alice Wright Nichol in Holladay, Utah. She married Harold R. Gutke on April 28th, 1933. Uncle Hank died Feb. 15th, 1995 leaving Laurel alone after 62 years of marriage. With her children, many grand-children, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren she was kept busy and active until the last couple of months. The greatest trial of Laurel's life was losing two children in pregnancies that resulted in her being unable to bear children. She turned this trial into her greatest strength as she took on the task of raising three of her nephews and a niece and her own child through the miracle of adoption. Laurel was able to bless the lives of her brothers by providing life long child care during difficult times in their lives. The lives of Jack, Irene, Robert, Ross and Hal were enriched with the love and care she provided them till the end of her life. She was employed for 30 years at First Security Bank. She was an active LDS member and worked at the Jordan River Temple. She is preceded in death by her husband Harold, her parents James and Alice, and brothers and sisters, Vaughn, LeGrande, Wayne, Mark, Gladys, Ruth, Rulon, LaRue, and Royce. She is survived by her brother Vern (Verna) Nichol, and sister LaVae (Joseph) Cook. Also survived by her children: Jack (JoAnn) Nichol, Irene (Ivin) Munson, Robert (Sandra) Nichol, Ross (LoiAnn) Nichol, and Hal (Becky) Gutke. The family will visit with the extended family and friends Sunday, Sept 10th at Jenkins Soffe Mortuary, 4760 So. State Street from 5 to 7 p.m. Funeral Services will be held Monday at the Cottonwood 6th Ward Chapel, 4930 So. Westmoor Rd, (1665 East), at 1:00 p.m. A viewing will be held from 12 to 12:45 prior to the services. In lieu of flowers the family suggests that you make a donation to a charity of your choice. Condolences may be shared with the family at
Clyde and Gladys Gutke buried in Holladay
My sister wanted to visit our grandparents' graves today, so I am posting some information for her as well as anyone else who would like to visit at some time.
Clyde and Gladys Gutke are buried in Holladay Memorial Park. The address is 4900 South Memory Lane (2000 East) in Holladay, Utah. The grave(s) are in the middle section shaped like a kidney bean and called "Garden of Cumorah". There are silver hubs that pinpoint the locations, and Grandpa and Grandma's are by the hub that says "19 East 19 South". Clyde is number 6, Gladys is number 10. Also located in the area are the graves for Uncle Wid (Willard Gutke), Uncle Hank (Harold Ralph Gutke), Aunt Laurel Gutke.
Here is a photo of the headstone:
Rhoda Ann Player Gutke's ancestry
The following is information about the ancestry of Rhoda Ann Player, Oscar Gutke's first wife. We learn that her Rhoda Ann's grandparents are Emily Melissa Richey and Levi Ward Hancock, and her parents are Temperence Jane Hancock and John Alfred Player.
Descendant Register, Generation No. 2
1. | Emily Melissa RICHEY (William RICHEY2, Robert RITCHIE1) was born 12 Mar 1830 in Pickens Co., Alabama, Alabama, and died 26 Apr 1857 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah. She was buried Apr 1857 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, Utah. She married Levi Ward HANCOCK 24 Feb 1849 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, son of Thomas III HANCOCK and Ami Or Amy WARD. He was born 7 Apr 1803 in Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, and died 10 Jun 1882 in Washington, Washington, Utah. He was buried 12 Jun 1882 in Washington, Washington, Utah. | ||||||||||||||||
Children of Emily Melissa RICHEY and Levi Ward HANCOCK are:
3. | Temperance Jane HANCOCK (Emily Melissa RICHEY3, William RICHEY2, Robert RITCHIE1) was born 1 Jan 1852 in Manti, Sanpete, Ut, and died 8 Jan 1940 in Provo, Utah, Ut. She was buried 10 Jan 1940 in City Cem., Provo, UT. She married John Alfred PLAYER, son of Joseph PLAYER and Ann KEET (OR KELT). He was born 6 Jun 1847 in London, London, England, and died 26 May 1902 in Ogden, Weber, Ut. He was buried 29 May 1902 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah. | ||||||||||||||||
Children of Temperance Jane HANCOCK and John Alfred PLAYER are:
Oscar Gutke and Mary Matilda Tillie
I was working on family history today and I am a little confused on something that came up. According to Family Search....
1893 - Mary Matilda (Tillie) married William Henry Olsen 18 Jan 1893 in Terrace, Box Elder, Utah.
1893 - Gladys Lucille Olsen is listed as being born 27 May 1893 in Oakland, CA. (But parents listed on Family Search are Mary Matilda Henderson and Oscar Julius Gutke).
1893 - Oscar Julius Gutke married Rhoda Ann Player 8 Mar 1893 in Smithfield, Cache, Utah
1894 - Rhoda Ann Player died 31 Dec 1894 in Ogden, Weber, Utah.
1894 - Marie Hazel Gutke born 11 May 1894 in Ogden, Weber, Utah.
1895 - Gladys Lucille Olsen died 27 June 1895.
1899 - Mary Matilda (Tillie) married Oscar Julius Gutke 17 April 1899 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States.
1900 - John Edgar born 6 June 1900 in Ogden, Weber, Utah.
1903 - Doris Gertrude Gutke born 28 August 1903 in Ogden, Weber, Utah.
1905 - Charles Herbert born 1 May 1905 in Ogden, Weber, Utah.
1908 - Alan Lovey born 3 April 1908 in Ogden, Weber, Utah.
1918 - Son John Edgar dies 20 November 1918.
1922 - Gladys Lucille Olsen sealed to Mary Matilda Henderson and Oscar Julius Gutke 20 September 1922.
So, this is what I got from these records. Tillie was married before to a William Henry Olsen, and they had a daughter Gladys Lucille Olsen. This daughter was sealed to Tillie and Oscar rather than sealed to her biological father on 20 September 1922. (Oscar was sealed to both Rhoda Ann and Tillie that day, and all the other kids were sealed to Oscar and their respective mothers the same day according to records on Family Search.)
What about William Henry Olsen? There is a William Henery Olsen born in 1879 and married to Josephine Farr on 15 July 1903 in Ogden, Weber, Utah. Wonder if it's the same person. No death date mentioned but on 30 October 1942 Josephine Farr married Nels Benjamin Lundwall. She died in 1960.
1893 - Mary Matilda (Tillie) married William Henry Olsen 18 Jan 1893 in Terrace, Box Elder, Utah.
1893 - Gladys Lucille Olsen is listed as being born 27 May 1893 in Oakland, CA. (But parents listed on Family Search are Mary Matilda Henderson and Oscar Julius Gutke).
1893 - Oscar Julius Gutke married Rhoda Ann Player 8 Mar 1893 in Smithfield, Cache, Utah
1894 - Rhoda Ann Player died 31 Dec 1894 in Ogden, Weber, Utah.
1894 - Marie Hazel Gutke born 11 May 1894 in Ogden, Weber, Utah.
1895 - Gladys Lucille Olsen died 27 June 1895.
1899 - Mary Matilda (Tillie) married Oscar Julius Gutke 17 April 1899 in Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States.
1900 - John Edgar born 6 June 1900 in Ogden, Weber, Utah.
1903 - Doris Gertrude Gutke born 28 August 1903 in Ogden, Weber, Utah.
1905 - Charles Herbert born 1 May 1905 in Ogden, Weber, Utah.
1908 - Alan Lovey born 3 April 1908 in Ogden, Weber, Utah.
1918 - Son John Edgar dies 20 November 1918.
1922 - Gladys Lucille Olsen sealed to Mary Matilda Henderson and Oscar Julius Gutke 20 September 1922.
So, this is what I got from these records. Tillie was married before to a William Henry Olsen, and they had a daughter Gladys Lucille Olsen. This daughter was sealed to Tillie and Oscar rather than sealed to her biological father on 20 September 1922. (Oscar was sealed to both Rhoda Ann and Tillie that day, and all the other kids were sealed to Oscar and their respective mothers the same day according to records on Family Search.)
What about William Henry Olsen? There is a William Henery Olsen born in 1879 and married to Josephine Farr on 15 July 1903 in Ogden, Weber, Utah. Wonder if it's the same person. No death date mentioned but on 30 October 1942 Josephine Farr married Nels Benjamin Lundwall. She died in 1960.
Marie Sheranian's grave
Marie Gutke Sheranian's gravestone at Wasatch Lawn Cemetery, 3401 Highland Drive, SLC, Utah. Marie is Oscar Gutke's daughter and Johannes Gutke's granddaughter. Thanks to Marie's grandson Judd for the photo!
Andrew F. Gutke link to research
A link to research later: Genealogical Association - 1998 - Snippet view
Marie Gutke student at University of Utah
This 1908-09 catalogue of the University of Utah lists Oscar Gutke's daughter Marie as a student:
Gutke, Marie Hazel......Second year..... Salt Lake City
(p. 308)
Gutke, Marie Hazel......Second year..... Salt Lake City
(p. 308)
Carol Ann Gutke Case
The following is a link to a family history which lists Carol Ann Gutke who married Jack Duane Case. Carol Ann is a daughter of Jack and Kate Gutke; Jack is a great grandson of Johannes Gutke (grandpa Andrew Frederick, father Carl. F. Gutke).
Michael Reasor and Anna Herbert descendants, and related families of Brown, Pectol, Galloway, Scott, Razor, and McCutcheon
Malan Industries, 1969 - Reference - 700 pageset this book
Short bios of Marie Gutke and H.N. Sheranian
The following is a screen shot of the link to "A century of Mormon activities in California, Vol. 2" which includes a bio of Marie Gutke Sheranian.
Elder Sylvester Gutke in North Colorado
From the Liahona, Volume XII, 1914-15, Info about Elder Sylvester Gutke of Shelley, Idaho in the North Colorado mission.
Arrives in mission:
An investigator's experience with teachings:
Arrives in mission:
An investigator's experience with teachings:
I'm so excited! Pictures!
Here is a link to pictures of Johannes and Johanna Gutke and family and also documents/photos relating to Oscar Gutke and his daughter Marie Gutke Sheranian. Thanks, KaRynn, for scanning and posting these to your website and sharing with everyone. It's better than CHRISTMAS at my house today!
Beatrice Oleson Gutke's family graves
The following graves are located in the Wasatch Lawn Cemetery, 3401 Highland Drive (1495 East), Salt Lake City, Utah:
Annie is Beatrice's mother.
Emil is Beatrice's father.
Bonnie is Beatrice's younger sister.
Johnny is Bonnie's husband. I should have cleared this grave better! It's hard to read the dates.
This grave was by the others. I don't know if this is a relative or not.
Marie Gutke Sheranian Mother of the Year
This is a screen shot of an article that is available through ProQuest about Marie Sheranian. Apparently she was named Beverly Hills "Mother of the Year" in 1962!
Oscar Gutke death notices
Wound Causes Fatal Illness of Reno Man
Oscar Gutke Is Dead Here of Blood Poisoning
A gunshot wound, accidentally inflicted about four weeks ago was the contributing cause of the death yesterday of Oscar J Gutke Reno night watchman
He was employed as watchman at the Fordonia building and the injury was caused when his revolver fell from his pocket and discharged. The bullet struck him in the leg. Blood poisoning developed and his condition became critical a few days ago. His death occurred at a local hospital where he had been taken for treatment.
Gutke was a native of Sweden aged 60 years. He came to this country when six years old and for many years resided at Smithfield Utah. He railroaded later out of Ogden on the Ogden-Carlin division of the Southern Pacific company until ill health forced his retirement a few years ago. During reent months he had been the night watchman at the local business block. He was a member of George Washington lodge No 24 F and A M of Ogden.
He was the husband of Mrs. Mary M Gutke of Reno and father of Mrs. Marie Sheranian of Murray Utah Mrs. Doris Smith of Oakland and Allan Gutke of Richmond Cal
The body was accompanied last night from the Ross-Burke company chapel to Ogden Utah for funeral services and interment Tuesday.
Reno Evening Gazette
Monday, February 22, 1932
Wound is Fatal to L.J. Gutke (sic)
Oscar J. Gutke, night watchman at the Fordonia building, died last night at a local hospital from blood poisoning which resulted from an accidental gunshot wound in the leg a month ago. He was sixty years old and had lived in Reno for the last few years.
He was wounded while making his rounds in the building, when his revolver fell from his pocket and struck on the hammer, the bullet striking him in the leg. He was taken to the hospital, but despite anti-tetanus serum injections, his condition became worse.
A native of Sweden, he lived in this country most of his life, working for the Southern Pacific Company in Utah. Since his retirement from the railroad he had lived in Reno, being employed as a watchman. He was a member of George Washington lodge No. 24, F. & A.M., at Ogden. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mary M. Gutke, and three children, Mrs. Marie Sheranian of Murray, Utah, Mrs. Doris Smith of Oakland, Cal, and Allan Gutke of Richmond, Cal.
The body was accompanied last night to Ogden where funeral services and interment will take place tomorrow. The Ross-Burke Company of Reno was in charge of arrangements here.
Newspaper: Ogden Standard-Examiner, The
Publication: 22 Feb 1932 - Ogden, Utah
"Word has been received of the death in Reno, Nev., of Oscar Gutke, former Ogden resident and railroad employee. The body will arrive in Ogden, accompanied by the widow and son, this afternoon on train No. 20, Southern Pacific, and be taken in charge by the Kirkendall-Darling mortuary. Funeral arrangements will be announced later."
Oscar Gutke Is Dead Here of Blood Poisoning
A gunshot wound, accidentally inflicted about four weeks ago was the contributing cause of the death yesterday of Oscar J Gutke Reno night watchman
He was employed as watchman at the Fordonia building and the injury was caused when his revolver fell from his pocket and discharged. The bullet struck him in the leg. Blood poisoning developed and his condition became critical a few days ago. His death occurred at a local hospital where he had been taken for treatment.
Gutke was a native of Sweden aged 60 years. He came to this country when six years old and for many years resided at Smithfield Utah. He railroaded later out of Ogden on the Ogden-Carlin division of the Southern Pacific company until ill health forced his retirement a few years ago. During reent months he had been the night watchman at the local business block. He was a member of George Washington lodge No 24 F and A M of Ogden.
He was the husband of Mrs. Mary M Gutke of Reno and father of Mrs. Marie Sheranian of Murray Utah Mrs. Doris Smith of Oakland and Allan Gutke of Richmond Cal
The body was accompanied last night from the Ross-Burke company chapel to Ogden Utah for funeral services and interment Tuesday.
Reno Evening Gazette
Monday, February 22, 1932
Wound is Fatal to L.J. Gutke (sic)
Oscar J. Gutke, night watchman at the Fordonia building, died last night at a local hospital from blood poisoning which resulted from an accidental gunshot wound in the leg a month ago. He was sixty years old and had lived in Reno for the last few years.
He was wounded while making his rounds in the building, when his revolver fell from his pocket and struck on the hammer, the bullet striking him in the leg. He was taken to the hospital, but despite anti-tetanus serum injections, his condition became worse.
A native of Sweden, he lived in this country most of his life, working for the Southern Pacific Company in Utah. Since his retirement from the railroad he had lived in Reno, being employed as a watchman. He was a member of George Washington lodge No. 24, F. & A.M., at Ogden. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mary M. Gutke, and three children, Mrs. Marie Sheranian of Murray, Utah, Mrs. Doris Smith of Oakland, Cal, and Allan Gutke of Richmond, Cal.
The body was accompanied last night to Ogden where funeral services and interment will take place tomorrow. The Ross-Burke Company of Reno was in charge of arrangements here.
Newspaper: Ogden Standard-Examiner, The
Publication: 22 Feb 1932 - Ogden, Utah
"Word has been received of the death in Reno, Nev., of Oscar Gutke, former Ogden resident and railroad employee. The body will arrive in Ogden, accompanied by the widow and son, this afternoon on train No. 20, Southern Pacific, and be taken in charge by the Kirkendall-Darling mortuary. Funeral arrangements will be announced later."
Oscar Gutke's funeral
Tuesday Evening, February 23, 1932
The Ogden Standard-Examiner
Services Set For Wednesday
Gunshot Wound Leads to Death of Former Railway Man
Funeral services for Oscar Julius Gutke, 60, will be held at twelve o'clock noon Wednesday in the Kirkendall-Darling chapel, with Bishop Arthur Halverson in charge. The body arrived Monday afternoon in Ogden from Reno, Nev., where Mr. Gutke died Sunday morning.
Friends may call at the chapel this evening from seven until nine o'clock and Wednesday until time of services. Interment will be made in the Mountain View cemetery.
Mr. Gutke's death was due to general septicemia, following an accidental gunshot wound in the leg. He was born on March 31, 1871, in Sweden. When seven years old he was brought to Salt Lake City. Ogden had been his home the greater part of his life, though four years were spent in Mexico in railroad work. His railroad career began and ended in Ogden. He had worked for the Southern Pacific as brakeman and conductor and for the O. U. R. & D Co. as switchman. After having completed twenty-five years of service he was retired from that company about six years ago and four years ago moved to Reno, which had been his home since. Surviving are the widow, of Reno; two daughters, Mrs. Marie G. Sheranian, wife of Dr. N. H. Sheranian, Murray; Mrs. Doris G. Smith, Oakland, Calif., wife of Professor Rulan Smith at California University; one son, Alan L. Gutke, Richmond, Calif., and two sisters. Mrs. Julia M. Brixen, Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Minnie F. Price, McCammon, Idaho.
The Ogden Standard-Examiner
Thursday Evening, February 25, 1932
Services for Oscar J. Gutke, former Ogden resident, who died in Reno, Nevada, last Sunday, were held Wednesday noon in the chapel of the Kirkendall-Darling mortuary, conducted by Bishop Arthur Halverson. The opening prayer was given by A. J. Anderson. Speakers were Lester B. Scoville, H. E. Lund and Bishop Halverson. Benediction was given by F. W. Chambers. Robert Greenwell, Mrs. F. L. Scoville and Mrs. James Martin sang. The accompanist was was Mrs. Elizabeth Halverson, who also played the prelude and postlude. Bishop Halverson gave the dedicatory prayer at the graveside in the Mountain View cemetery. The pallbearers were former railroad associates and other friends, I. E. Pribble, Roy Linton, Steve Miller, C. K. Winans, W. H. Stone and George Boyle. Women of the Relief Society gave attention to the flowers.
Oscar Gutke divorce
Newspapers clippings about the divorce of Oscar and Mary Gutke.
Newspaper: Reno Evening Gazette
Publication: 17 Jun 1931 - Reno, Nevada
Suits filed.
Mary M Gutke vs. Oscar J Gutke
The Ogden Standard - Examiner
Tuesday Evening, July 28, 1931
Ogden Woman Wins Divorce in Nevada
Reno, July 28. (UP) Mrs. Mary M. Gutke was granted a divorce decree from Oscar J. Gutke today in the Reno courts. Mrs. Gutke charged extreme cruelty.
Gutke now resides in Ogden.
Newspaper: Reno Evening Gazette
Publication: 17 Jun 1931 - Reno, Nevada
Suits filed.
Mary M Gutke vs. Oscar J Gutke
The Ogden Standard - Examiner
Tuesday Evening, July 28, 1931
Ogden Woman Wins Divorce in Nevada
Reno, July 28. (UP) Mrs. Mary M. Gutke was granted a divorce decree from Oscar J. Gutke today in the Reno courts. Mrs. Gutke charged extreme cruelty.
Gutke now resides in Ogden.
Oscar Gutke returns from trip to San Francisco
Newspaper: Ogden Standard-Examiner
Publication: 26 Dec 1975 - Ogden, Utah
It Happened... 20 & 50 Years Ago
December 26, 1925
Returning to Ogden from San Francisco, Oscar Gutke and wife, reported the bay region enjoying great prosperity. As high as four traffic officers were employed at the intersections in the business district.
Publication: 26 Dec 1975 - Ogden, Utah
It Happened... 20 & 50 Years Ago
December 26, 1925
Returning to Ogden from San Francisco, Oscar Gutke and wife, reported the bay region enjoying great prosperity. As high as four traffic officers were employed at the intersections in the business district.
Oscar made freight conductor on Southern Pacific
Newspaper: Ogden Standard-Examiner, The
Publication: 29 Jul 1929 - Ogden, Utah
Ogden 20 Years of Age From Our Files*
"Oscar Gutke was made freight conductor on the Southern Pacific."
*Which means this date would be 1909.
Publication: 29 Jul 1929 - Ogden, Utah
Ogden 20 Years of Age From Our Files*
"Oscar Gutke was made freight conductor on the Southern Pacific."
*Which means this date would be 1909.
Oscar Gutke registered voter 1932
Newspaper: Nevada State Journal
Publication: 25 Aug 1932 - Reno, Nevada
List of Registered Voters in Washoe County for the Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, September 6, 1932.
Thursday, August 25, 1932
Sparks Precinct No. One
Gutke, Oscar J.
Note: I guess they were wanting his influence (he had been deceased since February).
Publication: 25 Aug 1932 - Reno, Nevada
List of Registered Voters in Washoe County for the Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, September 6, 1932.
Thursday, August 25, 1932
Sparks Precinct No. One
Gutke, Oscar J.
Note: I guess they were wanting his influence (he had been deceased since February).
Oscar wounded by his own gun
Newspaper: Reno Evening Gazette
Publication: 25 Jan 1932 - Reno, Nevada
Oscar Gutke, night watchman at the Fordonia building, was wounded by the accidental explosion of his pistol last night. The weapon fell from his trousers pocket and went off, the bullet passing through the flesh of his thigh. He was treated at the hospital and will suffer no serious results, the physician said.
In July, 1930, Gutke came to grief while making his rounds of the building. He attempted to eject a large cat of the alley variety that was in the Palace Dry Goods store, but the cat clawed and bit his hand, injuring it badly. Reno Evening Gazette (Reno, Nevada) [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data: Reno Evening Gazette. Reno, NV, USA. Database created from microfilm copies of the newspaper.
Newspaper: Nevada State Journal
Publication: 26 Jan 1932 - Reno, Nevada
"For the third time since holding a position of night watchman Oscar Gutke has come to grief Sunday night he was wounded by the accidental explosion of his pistol when it fell from his trousers pocket. The bullet caused a flesh wound in his leg. In July 1930 while attempting to eject a large alley cat from the Palace Dry Goods store he was severely clawed and bitten. Since that time he was involved in a damage suit in connection with In official capacity [sic] as night watchman of the Fordonia building.
Publication: 25 Jan 1932 - Reno, Nevada
Oscar Gutke, night watchman at the Fordonia building, was wounded by the accidental explosion of his pistol last night. The weapon fell from his trousers pocket and went off, the bullet passing through the flesh of his thigh. He was treated at the hospital and will suffer no serious results, the physician said.
In July, 1930, Gutke came to grief while making his rounds of the building. He attempted to eject a large cat of the alley variety that was in the Palace Dry Goods store, but the cat clawed and bit his hand, injuring it badly. Reno Evening Gazette (Reno, Nevada) [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data: Reno Evening Gazette. Reno, NV, USA. Database created from microfilm copies of the newspaper.
Newspaper: Nevada State Journal
Publication: 26 Jan 1932 - Reno, Nevada
"For the third time since holding a position of night watchman Oscar Gutke has come to grief Sunday night he was wounded by the accidental explosion of his pistol when it fell from his trousers pocket. The bullet caused a flesh wound in his leg. In July 1930 while attempting to eject a large alley cat from the Palace Dry Goods store he was severely clawed and bitten. Since that time he was involved in a damage suit in connection with In official capacity [sic] as night watchman of the Fordonia building.
Newspaper: Reno Evening Gazette
Publication: 30 Sep 1931 - Reno, Nevada
Suits Filed
Cherl M. Egginton vs. Tillie Levy and Oscar Gutke Reno Evening Gazette (Reno, Nevada) [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.
Original data: Reno Evening Gazette. Reno, NV, USA. Database created from microfilm copies of the newspaper.
Publication: 30 Sep 1931 - Reno, Nevada
Suits Filed
Cherl M. Egginton vs. Tillie Levy and Oscar Gutke Reno Evening Gazette (Reno, Nevada) [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.
Original data: Reno Evening Gazette. Reno, NV, USA. Database created from microfilm copies of the newspaper.
Oscar Gutke in 1890 Utah Directory
Utah Directory, 1890: Salt Lake City, Logan, and Provo Utah Directory, 1890: Salt Lake City, Logan, and Provo
Name: Oscar Gutke
City: Salt Lake
State: UT
Occupation: porter
Year: 1890
Business Name: Clift House
Source Information: Utah Directory, 1890: Salt Lake City, Logan, and Provo [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2000.
Original data:
Salt Lake City, UT, 1890. Salt Lake City, UT: R.L. Polk and Company, 1890.
The Excelsior Address Book and Family Directory of Salt Lake City, 1893. Salt Lake City, UT: Salt Lake Lithographing Co., 1893.
Utah Gazetteer and Directory of Logan, Ogden, Provo and Salt Lake City, 1884. Salt Lake City, UT: Robert W. Sloan, 1884.
Directory of residents in Salt Lake City, Logan, and Provo, Utah in 1890.
Name: Oscar Gutke
City: Salt Lake
State: UT
Occupation: porter
Year: 1890
Business Name: Clift House
Source Information: Utah Directory, 1890: Salt Lake City, Logan, and Provo [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2000.
Original data:
Salt Lake City, UT, 1890. Salt Lake City, UT: R.L. Polk and Company, 1890.
The Excelsior Address Book and Family Directory of Salt Lake City, 1893. Salt Lake City, UT: Salt Lake Lithographing Co., 1893.
Utah Gazetteer and Directory of Logan, Ogden, Provo and Salt Lake City, 1884. Salt Lake City, UT: Robert W. Sloan, 1884.
Directory of residents in Salt Lake City, Logan, and Provo, Utah in 1890.
1900 Federal Census - Oscar Gutke
Oscar J Gutke
Home in 1900: Ogden Ward 2, Weber, Utah
[Ogden, Weber, Utah]
Age: 29
Birth Date: Mar 1871
Birthplace: Sweden
Race: White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1879
Relationship to head-of-house: Head
Father's Birthplace: Sweden
Mother's Birthplace: Sweden
Spouse's Name: Mary M Gutke
Marriage year: 1899
Marital Status: Married
Years married: 1
Occupation: View on Image
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
Oscar J Gutke 29
Mary M Gutke 25
Gutke Unkn
John Henderson 63
Ruth K Henderson 22
Home in 1900: Ogden Ward 2, Weber, Utah
[Ogden, Weber, Utah]
Age: 29
Birth Date: Mar 1871
Birthplace: Sweden
Race: White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1879
Relationship to head-of-house: Head
Father's Birthplace: Sweden
Mother's Birthplace: Sweden
Spouse's Name: Mary M Gutke
Marriage year: 1899
Marital Status: Married
Years married: 1
Occupation: View on Image
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
Oscar J Gutke 29
Mary M Gutke 25
Gutke Unkn
John Henderson 63
Ruth K Henderson 22
1930 Federal Census - Oscar Gutke in Reno, Nevada
Name: Oscar Gutke
Home in 1930: Reno, Washoe, Nevada
View Map
Age: 59
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1871
Birthplace: Sweden
Relation to Head of House: Lodger
Race: White
Military Service:
Rent/home value:
Age at first marriage:
Parents' birthplace: View image
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
George E Wilcox 74
Laura E Wilcox 62
William F Pringle 46
Oscar Gutke 59
Jeanette Burke 75
Ray Decaro 53
Frank J Requa 53
Enos A Simpson 63
Home in 1930: Reno, Washoe, Nevada
View Map
Age: 59
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1871
Birthplace: Sweden
Relation to Head of House: Lodger
Race: White
Military Service:
Rent/home value:
Age at first marriage:
Parents' birthplace: View image
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
George E Wilcox 74
Laura E Wilcox 62
William F Pringle 46
Oscar Gutke 59
Jeanette Burke 75
Ray Decaro 53
Frank J Requa 53
Enos A Simpson 63
Johanes Gutkes in 1880 Census
Name: | Johanes Gutke | ||||||||||
Home in 1880: | Smithfield, Cache, Utah | ||||||||||
Age: | 64 | ||||||||||
Estimated Birth Year: | abt 1816 | ||||||||||
Birthplace: | Swe | ||||||||||
Relation to Head of Household: | Self (Head) | ||||||||||
Spouse's Name: | Johanna Gutke | ||||||||||
Father's birthplace: | Swe | ||||||||||
Mother's birthplace: | Swe | ||||||||||
Neighbors: | View others on page | ||||||||||
Occupation: | Blacksmith | ||||||||||
Marital Status: | Married | ||||||||||
Race: | White | ||||||||||
Gender: | Male | ||||||||||
Cannot read/write: Blind: Deaf and dumb: Otherwise disabled: Idiotic or insane: | ![]() Subscribe now to see this information. | ||||||||||
Household Members: |
Name: | Johanna Gutke | ||||||||||
Home in 1880: | Smithfield, Cache, Utah | ||||||||||
Age: | 47 | ||||||||||
Estimated Birth Year: | abt 1833 | ||||||||||
Birthplace: | Swe | ||||||||||
Relation to Head of Household: | Wife | ||||||||||
Spouse's Name: | Johanes Gutke | ||||||||||
Father's birthplace: | Swe | ||||||||||
Mother's birthplace: | Swe | ||||||||||
Neighbors: | |||||||||||
Occupation: | Keep House | ||||||||||
Marital Status: | Married | ||||||||||
Race: | White | ||||||||||
Gender: | Female | ||||||||||
Cannot read/write: Blind: Deaf and dumb: Otherwise disabled: Idiotic or insane: | ![]() Subscribe now to see this information. | ||||||||||
Household Members: |
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