
This blog is dedicated to my parents, brothers, sister, and cousins who are descendants of Johannes (John) Gutke and Johanna Mork Gutke (pictured above). I am in the process of posting everything I have, so that I can back up documents/photos and also access the info from any location. There are likely to be mistakes, so check back often and feel free to comment if you have corrections!


Deniane Gutke Kartchner


Göteborg Branch (1856+)
Göteborg (Gothenburg) is the second largest city in Sweden. Gustaf II Adolf established the city on the site of a good harbor and made it a great shipping place and it has been the most important seaport in Sweden. This has been one of the most important branches in Scandinavia. It was sometimes referred to as Lille London because of the fogs.
The first missionary to Göteborg was Frantz Theodor Grönberg who arrived there 22 Nov 1855 and began to teach people privately and circulate tracts. About two weeks later he was called into the police office and was cautioned not to speak to people about his religion. In Mar 1856 he was joined in Göteborg by a second missionary, Nils Peter Lindelöf. They held the first public meeting in Göteborg 9 Mar 1856 in spite of the police warnings.
On 31 Mar 1856 they were called before Dean Thomander, a prominent Swedish clergyman, and warned not to preach. On 6 Apr 1856 they were again summoned to the church council and warned against preaching, however they felt it was their duty to obey God rather than man. At the end of July they were summoned before the police and questioned concerning their future conduct.
Mr. Lange, the public prosecutor and police commissioner Wigstrand appeared at a meeting of the church 8 Mar 1857 and noted the names of all those in attendence. The elders were ordered not to hold any more gatherings. On 25 Apr 1857 the elders and those attending the meetings were tried in local court and May 2nd fines were imposed ranging from 5-100 rigsdaler. Among those convicted were Samuel Johansson Dufvander, Carl A. Frank, Maria Jansson, Rasmus Berntzon, Mattias Nilsson, and Maria Jakobsson. The case was appealed to the higher court because the sentence was considered an outrage of justice.
Dean Wisselgren was not willing to let the case with the church cease until a judicial decision was made and arranged a mass meeting in the cathedral on 15 May 1857. He made Carl A. Frank, S. Johansson Dufvander, and Rasmus Berntzon attend the meeting with public prosecutor Lange as their escort to see that they did not interrupt the speaker. A large audience filled the church. The excitement of the sermon had the effect of stirring the people to persecute the elders. Some of the good "Christians" in attendance cried out, "To hell with the Mormons! Throw them into the harbor!" For some time after this, the church could only meet in secluded spots in the hills on account of the public sentiment.
On 1 Jun 1857 the decision to the appeal came. On 9 Jun the Lutheran Bishop called the elders before him and on 16 Jun they had to appear before the council of the dean at the cathedral.
At a meeting 21 Jun 1857, Johan P. Wretberg made the remark that he thought religious liberty would soon be established in Sweden, which was fulfilled not through legislative enactments, but through a change in the public sentiment. On 19 Jul 1857 10 rigsdaler was appropriated from the tithing fund for expenses from the prosecution of the elders. On 1 Nov 1858 eight rigsdaler were also appropriated to the appealing of the case of the members to the highest court in the land.
By the end of 1858 peaceful conditions were reported for the church in Göteborg and there was no longer any persecution by the civil authorities. The church was able to rent a hall for meetings and recommended preaching from door to door in the city. Yet in March 1859 Samuel Johansson reported there had been a week of persecution raging in Göteborg against them. On 1 Mar 1859, Johan P. Wretberg on this occasion reported his missionary experiences and how he had been subjected to violence among the mob. N. Thoresson reported 14 Mar 1859 that he had been imprisoned for some time in Dalsland, that there were many good people but also some very wicked men some of whom had threatened to take his life. On 17 May 1859 Johan Petter Malmberg recommended that since they could not hold any more public meetings, that the members should attend prayer meetings diligently. 
These disruptions appear to have been sporadic and little by little conditions got better. The church members were able to rent a hall in 1859 and to openly proselyte in Göteborg about that time.
Branch Organized and Early Years (1856-1914)
Elders Grönberg and Lindelöf continued teaching in and around Göteborg and found a few who accepted their message. The first to be baptized in Göteborg was Johan Petter Wretberg on 24 Mar 1856. He afterwards spent several years as a local missionary and emigrated to Utah in 1863, returning to Sweden again as a missionary from 1865-1868. On 7 Aug 1856 two others were baptized in Göteborg: Anna Andersson and Anna Maria Andersson. The three new members, the two missionaries, Eva Strid a member from Carlsborg, and one other member made up the seven members of the church in Göteborg 30 Aug 1856.
In Jul 1856 it was decided at that time to hold a prayer meeting with the members every Thursday and a proposition was made to publish a collection of hymns and songs.
The Göteborg Branch was organized 30 Aug 1856 with seven members. Frantz T. Grönberg was the first branch president. At that time it was part of the Stockholm Conference and remained under that conference until the Göteborg Conference was organized in Sep 1857.
In 1857 there were 14 members of the church. Meetings were held in a foundry belonging to brother Johan P. Wretberg and in the open air in the hills near the city and on the islets off the coast, wherever a safe place could be found.
On 10 Nov 1856 Frantz T. Grönberg read a circular from the mission office in Copenhagen which urged the members to obey the law of tithing, which was subsequently stressed in the local meetings. Some of the tithing money was used for distribution of tracts, paying for the missionary's legal fees, paying for correspondence expenses, support of the poor, and rent for a meeting hall in Göteborg. Other expenses included the purchase of a record book and benches for the meeting hall. Occasionally a request was made for special donations. For example 20 Nov 1858 Niels Wilhelmsen of Copenhagen wrote to the branch asking for donations for a present for Carl Widerborg.
To begin with fast days were not held regularly but when they were thought to be desirable, usually on a Sunday. The first Sunday after Christmas in 1856 was set aside as a fast day. Another fast day was held 4 May 1857 for the men and 30 May 1857 a fast day for the women. Another fast day was held 20 Sep 1857.
The Göteborg Conference was first organized 5 Sep 1857 from the Stockholm and Skåne Conferences, since which time the Göteborg Branch has been the main headquarters of that conference.
On 15 Dec 1856 it was decided that 3 rigsdalers would be allowed each month for the renting of a meeting hall. On 6 Oct 1857 this amount was increased to 10 rigsdaler per month. Yet it appears to be the end of 1858 and early in 1859 before they were successful in obtaining a meeting hall in Göteborg because of the legal problems and public sentiment against the church. The new meeting hall was first mentioned 8 Feb 1859 with Samuel Johansson Dufvander in charge of it. 
In May 1859 funds were set aside for traveling expenses for a sister to come to teach English to members of the branch. Samuel Johansson in June of that year counseled the members to study diligently to learn English.
Council meetings were held in the branch about once a month in 1862 where routine business pertaining to the branch was taken care of. In the following years council meetings were held about twice a month. Other meetings included weekly Sunday services in the city (meeting hall) as well as in the country districts surrounding Göteborg. Prayer meetings and other gathers were held during the week. Sunday meetings were generally well attended and in some parts of the country the missionaries found a number of honest people willing to investigate their message.
In Mar 1864 the Allingås Branch was discontinued and its membership became part of the Göteborg Branch. Gustaf Andersson had been district president over this area at that time.
In Dec 1876 it was reported that the members were so poor they did not have clothes to wear to the meetings. Johan C. Sandberg told them that if they would pay their tithing he would share his clothes with them. Later that month he was appointed to write for the Nordstjarnan (North Star) which was to be the official periodical of the church in the Swedish language. Because most of the missionary literature had been in Danish, efforts were made at this time to use pure Swedish and not mix Swedish and Danish. Prayer meetings at this time were held every other Thursday evening.
The permanent meeting hall for the branch was No. 46 Husargatan in 1880. Latter the headquarters were listed at various locations in the city of Göteborg:
  •  1904 at Plantagegatan No. 15
  • 1907 at Linnegatan No. 68
  • 1909 at Öfra Husargatan 17
  • 1913 at Nordhemsgatan 31 
On 23 Jul 1893 the missionaries enjoyed visiting the Edholm family for conversation and singing and at 8 o'clock the entire group went to the docks to see Annie Edholm on her way to America. The missionaries will miss her cooking and mending for them.
In a report to Anthon H. Lund in Liverpool, mission president Peter Sundwall wrote in May 1896, "I enjoyed my trip to Göteborg and we had a good time there in conference. The brethren there send kind regards to you. Brother (Theodore) Tobiason has been out ten and a half weeks in the branches in the branches in one trip, and he has held a number of meetings in company with the elders. They report that they find many who take interest in the doctrines we proclaim, that the spirit of inquiry is increasing among the people, who generally manifest more of the disposition to think for themselves in matters of religion and not to be satisfied with placing the salvation of their souls in the hands of the priests. They have many opportunities to preach the gospel in Göteborg Conference and feel hopeful that good will result from their labor. Sixteen are reported baptized since the previous conference. Our good folks Hansons feel well. They are as hospitable as usual and together with several of the brethren received kind treatment at their home. Brother Söderberg also feels first rate. Kind regards."
In 1900 the Göteborg Branch made up the south part of Bohus and Göteborg County, along the coast from Lindomen on the south to Marstrand on the north. About half of the members lived in the city of Göteborg while the other half were considerably scattered. In Jan 1901 it was decided that public meetings would be held on Thursday evenings as well as on Sundays. Other meetings at that time included a fast meeting every first Sunday of the month at 1 pm, Sunday afternoon services at 4 pm, and council meetings every second and fourth Sunday at 6 pm. The Thursday meetings were discontinued in Jan 1914 and replaced by MIA meetings and English classes were held on Tuesday nights. On 23 Aug 1914 it was decided to again hold public meetings on Thursday nights.
By the close of 1856 six persons had been baptized in Göteborg and the branch consisted of ten members, including 1 priest, 2 teachers, and 1 deacon.
On 18 Dec 1857 Rasmus Berntzon reported that the branch had 18 members, 5 being baptized in the previous three months. The statistical report of 15 Dec 1857 showed 16 members, 12 of whom had been baptized in the previous year. Included in this number were five elders, three priests, one teacher, and two deacons.
On 20 Nov 1858 it was reported that there were 20 members in the Göteborg Branch, including six elders, one teacher. A few months earlier there had been 31 members, but 11 had moved to other branches.
The report of 20 Nov 1859 indicated there were 39 members in the branch, including 7 elders, 2 priests, 4 teachers, and 1 deacon. 14 had been baptized during the preceding year. A year later there were 56 members including 9 elders, 4 priests, 4 teachers, and 2 deacons, 19 having been baptized during the preceding year.
Report dated 20 Aug 1861 shows 58 members including 12 elders, 2 priests, 3 teachers, 1 deacon. Non priesthood holders included 12 men and 28 women. Six had been baptized during the preceding three months.
In 1868 38 people had been baptized in the Göteborg branch. Report dated 20 Nov 1870 showed 88 members in the Göteborg Branch, including 8 elders, 1 priest, 2 teachers, and 4 deacons.
Report of 10 Nov 1876 showed 97 members including 8 elders, 5 priests, 2 teachers, and 4 deacons in Göteborg Branch. The report a year later showed 98 members including 10 elders, 5 priests, 2 teachers, 3 deacons, 19 having been baptized during the preceding year.
The Göteborg Branch had 122 members in Nov 1880, including 12 elders, 3 priests, 5 teachers, and 5 deacons. 
Ten years later on 20 Nov 1890 Göteborg Branch was reported with only 56 members, including 5 elders, 6 priests, 2 teachers, and 1 deacon. Three new members had been added during the year.
At the end of the year 2000 there were 127 members of the church in the Göteborg branch including 13 elders, 6 priests, 6 teachers, and 5 deacons. 25 had been baptized in the branch during the previous year.
Officers in the Branch
In 1881-1885, 1893-1900, and 1906-1913, most of the presidents of the Göteborg Branch were also serving as presidents of the Göteborg Conference. Following are the names of the presidents of the Göteborg Branch:

Branch President
Date Appointed

Frantz T. Grönberg
30 Aug 1856

Mathias Nilsson
5 Jan 1857

Rasmus Berntzon
5 Sep 1857

Samuel Johansson Dufvander (imprisoned because of religion 14 Jun 1858 during which period Carl A. Frank served as branch president), released to act as district president.
by 17 Jan 1858

Johan Petter Malmberg
7 Oct 1858

S. Ahlstrand
?21 Aug 1860

A.N. Lundeberg (and traveling elder in the branch)
early 1862

Johann Petter Malmberg, released to emigrate
7 Jan 1863

Johannes Larsson, formerly president of the Allingås Branch.
13 Apr 1863

Elias Hansson
23 Aug 1863

Gustaf Andersson (later appointed as traveling elder in the branch)
12 Mar 1865

Elias A. Sohlberg
14 May 1867

Gustaf Andersson
28 May 1867

Svante Johansson
Jul 1869

Samuel C. Backman
10 Jul 1870

F. Samuelson
18 Dec 1870

Johan A. Nyren, formerly missionary in Trollhättan Branch
11 May 1873

Johan Lundberg
Jun 1874

Anders Thomasson (Samuel C. Backman serving temporarily 2 Jan 1876), called to go to Norrköping May 1876.
Jun 1875

N.M. Andersson
7 Jan 1877

Ludwig Ehrnström
6 May 1877

Frans Bromander
4 Sep 1877

Carl Gustaf Lindblad
Jun 1878

Charles H. Monson, released to emigrate
by Jun 1879

Ola N. Stohl (temporarily)
29 Jun 1880

Rasmus Berntzon of Logan, Utah
10 Oct 1880

Anders Eliason of Logan, Utah
16 Oct 1881

Gustaf Andersson of Grantsville, Utah
Jan 1883

Anders Eliason

Bengt Mattias Ravsten of Clarkston, Utah
21 Oct 1883

Gustaf L. Rosengren
12 Oct 1884

August K. Anderson (A.B. Andersen assistant)
3 May 1885

Nils Peter Petterson of Pleasant Grove, Utah
Aug 1886

Nils P. Lindelöf
8 May 1887

Charles Eliason of Millville, Utah (John A. Beckstrand of Meadow, Utah assistant)
21 Oct 1888

Erick G. Erickson, later released to return home to Utah
6 Oct 1889

John A. Beckstrand
4 Apr 1890

Laurentius Dahlquist of Salt Lake City, Utah, released to return home to act as superintendent for the wood carving in the Salt Lake Temple
5 Oct 1890

Carl G. Anderson
Nov 1891

Andrew J. Wahlquist
14 May 1893

Andrew Joel Höglund (Theodore Tobiason of Salt Lake City as assistant)
22 Apr 1894

Theodore Tobiason, John A. Carlson of Logan as assistant in the branch. In Oct 1896 Alfred Svenson was the assistant in the branch.
29 Sep 1895

Henry M. Pearson of Sandy, Utah with Alfred Svenson as assistant in the branch. On 19 Sep 1897, Charles Magnus Olson of Park Valley and John Enock Groberg of Far West were assistant missionaries in the Göteborg Branch.
25 Apr 1897

John W. Larson with John E. Groberg and Louis E. Erickson of Montpelier as assistants.
1 May 1898

Charles E. Forsberg with Carl Axel Alfred Augustson of Murray, Utah and Charles Fred John Carlson of Ovid, Idaho as assistants. 22 Apr 1900 assistants: Albert J. Johnson of Ogden and Alfred Erickson.
18 Sep 1898

James L. Jensen with John A. Christensen and Peter L. Quist of Salt Lake City, Utah as assistants.
6 Jul 1900

Nils Löfgren

Hyrum J. Hanson

C. Hjalmar Carlquist

Carl H. Carlson

Hyrum J. Hanson

Charles P. Swenson

Carl G. Youngberg (?Carl F. Ljungberg)
10 Apr 1904

W. Alberto Dahlquist
14 Aug 1904

Andrew Eliason

Bernhard Newreen
22 Oct 1905

August A. Nordvall

George C. Smith
21 Oct 1906

Thomas Spongberg
29 Sep 1907

Armand F. Rundquist
18 Oct 1908

Charles P. Anderson, later released to return home to St. Johns, Arizona.
18 Apr 1909

Carl A. Carlquist
17 Apr 1910

Olof P. Johanson
16 Apr 1911

Peter O. Peterson
fall of 1911

Birger E. Lundevall
13 Apr 1913

Nephi Nordgren
later in 1913-1915
Other officers mentioned in the Göteborg Branch included:

Other Branch Officers
Date Appointed

Carl A. Frank - branch clerk, released in Nov 1857 to go on a mission.
1 Dec 1856

Samuel Johansson - assistant branch president
23 Aug 1857

A. Jensson from Copenhagen - temporary branch recorder
2 Nov 1857

Carl A. Frank - branch clerk again (released Oct 1859)
30 Nov 1857

Lars Gustaf Broström released and Johan P. Malmberg called to preside at the prayer meetings. Anders Backman appointed as usher.
6 Jul 1858

Anders Backman appointed to preside over prayer meetings, Carl Otto Rahm to act as usher.
11 Oct 1858

Carl Otto Rahm appointed to preside over the prayer meetings (released 31 Jan 1859).
20 Nov 1858

Samuel Johansson appointed branch clerk
3 Oct 1859

Johan Ferdinand Hallander to preside over prayer meetings with A. Larsson as assistant.
14 Nov 1859

Carl A. Frank again reinstated as branch clerk
4 Jun 1860

Anders P. Söderborg appointed branch clerk
26 Nov 1860

B.M. Bergström appointed as usher succeeding A. Jonsson
26 Nov 1861

Carl A. Frank again listed as branch clerk
16 Dec 1861

John Andersson appointed branch clerk
early 1862

Petter Jonsson appointed branch clerk, Otto Hansson as door keeper
18 May 1863

J. Larsson appointed door keeper
30 Aug 1863

Lars Jonsson Holter appointed branch clerk
early 1864

Lars Andersson appointed clerk
4 Sep 1864

Elias Anderson Sohlberg appointed branch clerk, Erik Hansson as door keeper
20 Mar 1865

Simon W. Ljungberg appointed branch clerk
20 Jul 1865

Skjoldebrandh appointed branch clerk
28 Nov 1865

Petter Jonsson appointed branch clerk
early 1866

J. Gunnarsson released as door-keeper and M. Zakariasson (priest) appointed
2 Oct 1866

Oscar Julius Ljundberg appointed branch clerk
19 Feb 1867

John P. Wretberg sustained as traveling elder in the whole conference
28 May 1867

Petter Ludvig Quist appointed as branch clerk
4 Apr 1869

Elias Andersen Solberg appointed branch clerk, F. Gunnarsson to succeed N.M. Andersson as door-keeper
13 Aug 1871

Peter Ludvig Quist again appointed branch clerk
17 Dec 1871

L.G. Loberg appointed branch clerk 
20 Oct 1872

C.A. Jakobsson appointed branch clerk
10 Nov 1872

N.M. Andersson appointed branch clerk
29 Jun 1873

Samuel C. Backman appointed branch clerk
summer 1874

J.E. Andersson appointed usher
7 Nov 1875

Elisa A. Sohlberg appointed president of the Wednesday evening prayer meetings
5 Dec 1875

Elias A. Sohlberg appointed branch clerk
2 Jan 1856

A. Westerborg replaced S.C. Stor as usher
30 Jan 1876

A. Westerberg called as reporter for branch and conference. Carl Sohlberg appointed usher (released 26 Nov 1876).
7 May 1876

F. Gunnarsson released as usher and P.A. Andersson appointed. A. Weterberg released as recorder and treasurer to emigrate and J.A. Andersson took the books.
27 Aug 1876

J. Gutke appointed treasurer of the emigration fund with A.M. Carlsson, C.G. Lindblad, A.B. Andersson, and E.A. Sohlberg as auditors
12 Nov 1876

Edward Kopp to assist E. Sohlberg with the prayer meetings held every other Thursday evening
7 Jan 1877

Frans Bromander appointed singing teacher
8 Jul 1877

Samuel C. Backman released as branch clerk and Gustaf W. Gustafsson appointed his successor.
10 Feb 1878

Axel A. Carlsson appointed branch clerk
Jun 1878

Edward Kopp appointed branch clerk
3 Sep 1882
Ordinations & Mission Calls
Many local missionaries were called from among the Göteborg Branch. Officers in the Göteborg Branch, District Presidency, and Conference Presidency all resided in the Göteborg Branch, which meant there were always several priesthood holders in Göteborg. 
As mentioned previously, the first two missionaries in Göteborg were Frantz Theodor Grönberg and Nils Peter Lindelöf who came from Copenhagen. In Dec 1856 Mathias Nilsson, who had been sent from Copenhagen, began working in Göteborg. On 26 Jun 1858 it was decided that the Göteborg Branch would be organized into a missionary district covering the territory from Strömstad in the north and into Dalsland to the east. On 7 Oct 1858 this district was divided and a new district called the Vännerborg district was created which included the towns of Vännerborg, Åmal, Uddevalla, Strömstad, and the villages and farming areas between them. 
In Jul 1859 the Göteborg branch was divided into two districts. In Dec of that year the members in Redleersplid and Partilled were to be added to district "B". On 19 Mar 1860 the branch was divided into three districts: the city (A) with Johan Ferdinand Hollander as president, the area including Redbergslid and Partilled with S. Ahlstrand as president (B), and the area including Tollered and Alingsås with E. Eriksson as president (C). On 21 Apr 1860 Lars Gustaf Broström replaced S. Ahlstrand as president of District B. Lars Gustaf Broström was later replaced from pesiding over District A by Johan Petter Malmberg.
It was decided on 2 Aug 1858 that N. Thorsson and Lars Gustaf Broström would be appointed to sell books in Göteborg and Haga. 
On 27 Aug 1876, Lorenz Andersson reported that he and A.M. Jakobsson had held a meeting attended by several hundred persons where they had born their testimony. In Apr 1877 J. Gutke and A.M. Jacobsson reported selling many tracts and Lorentz Andersson who visited Hissingen met with encouragement. O.E. Skoglund reported visiting Jonsered and  other places and that he found a great deal of fanaticism among the people. C.G. Lindblad reported in May 1877 that it was hard work to dispose of literature.
In Dec 1877 there were at least four missionary districts in Göteborg Branch. A.M. Jacobson and Gustaf Julin were released as teachers in the 2nd and 4th districts. A.M. Jacobsson was appointed teacher in the 4th with C.A. Pehrsson as assistant and A.B. Andersson was appointed teacher in the 2nd district. E.G. Jörgensen was released as assistant in the 4th district and appointed missionary in the Skåne Branch. A.B. Andersson was released as assistant teacher in the 3rd district and succeeded by S.A. Andersson.
Following are some of the early ordinations and mission calls listed in the early Göteborg branch minutes:

Ordinations & Mission Calls

Johan Petter Wretberg was ordained a teacher
27 Jul 1856

Rasmus Berntsson ordained a deacon
10 Nov 1856

M.A. Fyrando released as district president as he was about to leave for the Skåne Conference
17 Nov 1856

Rasmus Berntsson ordained a priest (appointed district president), Carl A. Frank a teacher.
1 Dec 1856

Rasmus Berntsson ordained an elder
26 Jan 1857

Samuel Johansson Dufvander had been appointed traveling elder
2 Mar 1857

Samuel Johansson Dufvander ordained a teacher, Carl A. Frank a priest
10 Jul 1857

Samuel Johansson Dufvander ordained and elder and Johan P. Wretberg called on a mission to Vestervik. Rasmus Berntzon called to go to Uddevalla (returned and reported his mission 20 Jul 1858). Lars Gustaf Broström ordained a teacher and Th. Collerström a deacon.
10 Aug 1857

Johan P. Wretberg called to go on a mission to Uddevalla with A. Jansson who had just arrived from Copenhagen
17 Sep 1857

S.C. Svensson ordained a deacon
16 Nov 1857

Johan Wretberg ordained and elder and sent on a missionary journey with Elder Andersson
23 Nov 1857

S.C. Svensson ordained a priest (deacon 16 Nov 1857) and Johan Ludvig Gustafsson a deacon
9 Dec 1857

Lars Gustaf Broström ordained a priest and to succeed Samuel Johansson Dufvander as district president
17 Jan 1858

Joh. August Svensson ordained a deacon
22 Mar 1858

John P. Malmberg (teacher) was ordained a priest
19 Apr 1858

Anders Backman ordained a teacher
6 Jul 1858

Joh. Petter Malmberg ordained an elder (previously a priest)
7 Sep 1858

Anders Backman ordained a priest and Carl Otto Rahm a teacher
11 Oct 1858

B.A. Swensson (a deacon) was ordained a teacher
4 Dec 1858

A. Jonsson of Halmstaad ordained an elder
8 Feb 1859

C. Johan Andresson of Falkenberg ordained a priest
4 Apr 1859

Carl Johan Andersson ordained an elder
16 Apr 1859

Samuel Johansson appointed traveling elder under the direction of N.O. Lundquist (released from mission 14 Nov 1859 to visit relatives in Skåne). E. Erikson appointed president of a second district in Göteborg Branch.
17 Jul 1859

Johan Ferdinand Hallander ordained a teacher
14 Nov 1859

Anders Pontus Söderborg ordained a priest, Anders Lundberg a deacon and called to serve mission under Lars Gustaf Broström. Anders P. Söderborg also called to serve mission under Johan Ferdinand Hallander.
18 Aug 1860

A. Jonsson called to go on a mission to Uddevalla
17 Sep 1860

Anders P. Söderborg ordained an elder and August Wall a priest. Johan Petter Malmberg released from district president and appointed presiding teacher in the branch. C. Samuelsson became district president.
26 Nov 1860

C. Samuelson to move to Ulricehamn. Olof Hansson to take his place as district president.
20 Dec 1860

Andres Lundeberg ordained a priest
22 Jan 1861

Johan Ferdinand Hallander ordained an elder
12 Feb 1861

Brother Bergström ordained a teacher
23 Apr 1861

O. Johansson ordained a teacher, Brother Wetterling a deacon
21 May 1861

Anders Jonsson ordained a priest
14 Aug 1861

Jonasson released as missionary in district A, sent to Venersberg District. Wetterling to succeed him.
11 Sep 1861

L.M. Svensson ordained a teacher
26 Nov 1861

J. Larsson ordained a priest and sent to visit the members in the Alingås Branch. Elias Andersson Sohlberg and Elias Hansson ordained teachers and appointed as missionaries in District A.
7 Jan 1863

Otto Hansson ordained a deacon
18 May 1863

Johannes Larsson of the Göteborg Branch called to preside over the Ärtemark Branch. Elias Hansson ordained an elder.
23 Aug 1863

Lars Andersson ordained a teacher
4 Sep 1864

Carl Johansson (to preside over Vännersborg Branch) and Svante Johansson (to preside over Jönköping Branch) ordained elders.
12 Mar 1865

Erik Hansson ordained a teacher
20 Mar 1865

Simon W. Ljungberg ordained a teacher
20 Jul 1865

S. Hansson (teacher) ordained an elder and appointed to succeed Samuel Johansson (had permission to emigrate) as district president in the Göteborg Branch
10 Apr 1866

A.A. Nilsson released as missionary in the Göteborg Branch to work for his own support.
11 May 1873

N.M. Andersson ordained an elder
29 Jun 1873

Elias Anderson Solberg called as missionary in the Göteborg Branch
15 Aug 1875 

Elias Anderson Solberg ordained an elder
6 Oct 1875

O.D. Löf released as assistant in the first district as he was about to move and replaced by M. Zakariasson.
7 Nov 1875

L. Anderson ordained a priest
30 Jan 1876

A. Westerborg was ordained a teacher and appointed to assist Elias Anderson Sohlberg with prayer meetings. A.B. Andersson released from 4th district and A.M. Carlsson appointed in his place.
9 Apr 1876

Carl Sohlberg ordained a deacon
7 May 1876

John Nilsson released from mission in Göteborg Branch to emigrate. J. Gutke took his place. A. Helgesson ordained a deacon and appointed to assist P. Helgesson.
18 Jun 1876

L. Andersen released as assistant missionary in the 3rd district, succeeded by A.B. Andersson. A. Carlsson released as missionary in 2nd district, succeeded by Elias Anderson Sohlberg. L. Andersson appointed missionary in Göteborg city and surrounding areas.
6 Jul 1876

Gustaf Julin appointed to assist A.M. Carlsson in the 4th district
30 Jul 1876

P.A. Andersson ordained deacon
27 Aug 1876

P. Helgesson appointed to assist Elias Andersen Sohlberg in the 2nd district. Sander Helgesson was released as assistant in the district.
7 Jan 1877

Gustaf Julin ordained an elder
18 Feb 1877

A.M. Carlsson & Gustaf Julin switched positions as teacher and assistant in the district
4 Mar 1877

A.M. Jacobsson ordained an elder
27 May 1877

E.A. Solberg released from 2nd district to emigrate and A.M. Jacobsson to fill his place. A.M. Carlsson released from 4th district and Edward Kopp appointed in his stead.
10 Jun 1877

M. Zakariasson released as assistant teacher in the 1st district. Victor Andersson appointed assistant teacher in the 2nd district.
8 Jul 1877

Edward Kopp ordained a priest and G.W. Gustafsson ordained a teacher
2 Oct 1877

Anders N. Jacobsson called as missionary in Göteborg Branch
21 Oct 1877

E. Jørgensen from Copenhagen appointed as missionary in Göteborg. Alfred Hansson ordained a deacon and missionary in the first district. Johan Andersson and C.A. Pehrsson were ordained teachers.
27 Nov 1877

A. Nilsson ordained priest, S.A. Andersson a teacher, C.J. Berglund a deacon, and O.P. Eklund a deacon. 
11 Dec 1877

Johannes Svansson ordained a teacher
16 Jun 1878

A. Nilsson ordained an elder. Carl Gustaf Lindblad, A.B. Andersson, Nils M. Andersson, A.M. Carlsson, Mathias Zakariason, Gustaf Julin, A. Nielseson, Edward Kopp, Anders J. Holmberg, and Samuel S. Backman to serve as missionaries in Göteborg Branch and go from house to house on Sunday's by twos.
17 Nov 1878

J.M. Gutke ordained an elder
16 May 1880

Carl Börjeson (priest) and C. Ryberg ordained elders, Olof Olsson and Primus Andersson ordained deacons.
3 Sep 1882

Frederik Peterson of Grantsville, Utah released as president of the Wingåker Branch to visit relatives and serve as a missionary in the Göteborg Branch. Edward Kopp was released from his mission.
13 May 1883
Besides the conference and branch presidents, the following missionaries were listed at the conferences twice a year as serving in the Göteborg Branch:
  • 5 Apr 1903 Charles P. Swenson
  • 10 Apr 1904 Joseph Fagergren
  • 14 Aug 1904 & 16 Apr 1905 Bernhard Newren
  • 22 Oct 1905 Herman A. Andelin
  • 22 Apr 1906 August A. Nordvall
  • 21 Oct 1906 August A. Nordvall and Thomas Spongberg
  • 7 Apr 1907 Thomas Spongberg and John W. Johnson
  • 29 Sep 1907 Aguust M. Nelson, John W. Johnson, and Carl O. Peterson
  • 5 Apr 1908 Lars J. Larson, John W. Johnson, and Nephi Peterson
  • 18 Oct 1908 Carl O. Peterson, Charles P. Anderson, and Nephi Peterson
  • 18 Apr 1909 Albert Capson, Nephi Peterson, and David E. Quist
  • 17 Oct 1909 Nephi Peterson and David E. Quist
  • 17 Apr 1910 David E. Quist and Andrew C. Björk
  • 16 Oct 1910 Andrew F. Gutke, Andrew C. Björk, John A. Omanson, and Victor Peterson 
  • 16 Apr 1911 William R. Larson, Andrew C. Björk, John A. Omanson, and Carl J. Olson.
  • 13 Apr 1913 Emil A. Nielsen
  • 12 Oct 1913 Emil A. Nielsen, Edwin Blomquist, and Nephi Nordgran
  • 5 Apr 1914 Emil A. Nielsen and Walter Turnquist
On 18 Oct 1914 Nephi Nordgran was sustained as conference and branch president in Göteborg with Emil A. Nielsen as his assistant. They were the only missionaries in the conference and branch, the other elders having been called home because of the World War. 

Relief Society
The women's organization in the Göteborg Branch was organized early in 1877. Mrs. Johanna Gutke was appointed president and served in that position until she was ready to emigrate to Utah. On 17 Jun 1878 Johanna Gutke was released and Miss Elizabeth Jacobson was appointed president of the Relief Society.
The Göteborg Relief Society was organized again 22 Apr 1902 with Olivia Swenson as president, Bertha Johansson and Sigrid Söderberg as counselors, Hilda Quist and Hildegard Blomgren as secretaries, and Ida Hanson as treasurer. In 1903 Augusta Julin presided over the Relief Society. In 1905 her counselors were Ida Hanson and Helena Anderson.
Sunday School
No complete history of the Göteborg Branch Sunday School is available at present, but references show that there was an organization as early as 1875. Following are some references to the Göteborg Sunday School from various sources:
On 21 Nov 1875 it was decided to begin a Sunday School in the Göteborg Branch. O.E. Skoglund was appointed as the superintendent. 
On 28 Jul 1901 it was decided that the branch Sunday School would start at 11 AM. Nathanael Johnson was superintendent of the Sunday School in 1904. In Apr 1905 August Hanson was appointed superintendent of the Sunday School. In 1908 August A. Hedberg was the superintendent with Lorentz Anderson as assistant. In 1909 Hedberg was succeeded by Lorentz Anderson. August Hedberg was again serving as superintendent of the Sunday School 26 Nov 1911 and desired to be released but was asked to continue in that position.
On 10 Jul 1927 Albert Brandin was released as superintendent of the Sunday School as he was about to emigrate to Utah.
MIA (Youth Organization)
When the youth organization in the Göteborg Branch was first organized is not known. In Jun 1877 it was proposed that this organization be held twice a month both for the young men and the young women. On 3 May 1880 the MIA was again organized with the following officers: Edward Kopp as president, A.P. Carlsson and H.Pehrsson as counselors, and Axel A. Carlsson as secretary.
New officers of the MIA were chosen 25 Aug 1901 which shows it was an active part of the branch at that time. Johannes Erikson was sustained as president with Oscar Johansson and Augusta Julin as first and second counselors. Berta Johansson, Anna Söderberg, and Hildegard Blomgren acted as secretary, assistant secretary, and chorister. On 12 Oct 1902 August Hanson was sustained as president of the MIA with Hilda Brunn and Helena Anderson as counselors, Alma Anderson and Helga Hedberg as secretaries, Bertha Johansson as chorister, and Nathanael Johansson as treasurer. On 25 Oct 1903 Gustaf Julin was appointed president with Jenny Horn and Hildur Olsson as counselors. A year later Gustaf Julin was released and August Hanson again made president. Jenny Horn and Hildur Olsson continued as his counselors, Märta Hanson as secretary, Elvira Lysell as chorister, and Amanda Erickson as treasurer.

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